Benefit from our wide range of single vision products – whatever you want

IHOLICS have four lens designs to give you the best optical performance regarding your prescription, visual habits, and your demands. Meet a professional Optometrist and Optician to have the best comfort vision in your life.

  • Standard

    Spherical/Aspherical Design

    +60~100% UV Protection

    +Blue Light Blocking 25-30%

  • Premium

    FreeForm Design

    +100% UV Protection

    +Blue Light Blocking 25-30%

  • Elite

    FreeForm Design

    +100% UV Protection

    +Blue Light Blocking 42-50%

    +Pupil Size Calculation

    +Optimised Digital Devices

  • Pro: Individual

    FreeForm Design

    +100% UV Protection

    +Blue Light Blocking 42-50%

    +Pupil Size Calculation

    +Optimised Digital Devices

    +Optimised Unique Facial Anatomy

Add various lens options!

Choose a variety of lens options to increase comfort in your life and to improve your eye health.

  • Lens Coating

    Based on hard coating (anti-scratch), you can upgrade anti-reflective (AR) or anti-reflective UV coating (ARUV).

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  • Blue Light Block

    Upgrade one of blue light block. Traditional blue light block (20-30%) by lens coating or new technology blue light block (45~50%) by lens material absorption.

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  • Thinner Lenses

    Upgrade one of the lens materials depending on your prescription and chosen frame eye size. (1.50, 1.60, 1.67, 1.74)

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  • Sun Protection

    Upgrade to photochromic, polarised, or tint lenses depending on your life style.

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